This month has been all about the letter "P"...piggies, potties, and play!
Our hair still doesn't quite stay in 100% but we will now let Mama (and of course others such as Grandma Linda & Auntie Laura) put our hair in piggies. We feel very grown-up with our hair like this and proudly say "May May" being we think we look like our big cousin Leela May.

We also have brought our potty chairs out and spend most of our day at home running around in a diaper (or without) in order to try catch the moment. One of us (M) is a bit more interested in this than the other, but either way we have fun sitting by each other. Sometimes we even sing songs and do funny dances if the mood is right!

And of course play, especially mischevious play, has always been at the center of our household. Mama has been trying to organize some closests lately and put summer things away, etc. so this is what you get when we are left to come up with fun on our own...interesting outerwear accessory combinations!

A few other things to note: We love to pray at all of our meals and E is especially good at reminding us if we start without doing so. We have been infatuated with the Moon Song at bedtime for almost the entire month now. We love spotting airplanes in the sky and seeing tractors in the corn fields. Our favorite videos to watch when allowed have Elmo in the them and the most favorite as of recently has been Elmo's Potty Time. We continue to love to sing and dance. We both love apples (and this is really the only fruit E will eat...little turkey). We still give the best hugs, kisses, and snuggle time (and yes, even on occasion still in Papa and Mama's bed at night), and we know Papa and Mama secretly wish for these to never end!!!
Hope all is well with you! ME