Hello all! We do not know where this month is going but do know we have a lot to put into this post being Christmas is upon us and before you know we will need to write about that, and another big event...our 2
nd birthday! We are very much into imaginary play at the moment and are lucky to have an instant playmate (most of the time). We continue to love playing with our babies and also take turns ourselves pretending to be babies. You can often catch us pretending to feed one another, change one another (so far no messes so Mama feels lucky), and pat or rub one another on the back.

We also continue to expand our vocabulary with a frequent 3-word sentence out of our mouths being "I do it" when it comes to just about anything these days. We are working on counting to five, learning our
abc's, and also learning our colors. Our favorite colors right now are green followed by purple.
We have had the opportunity to see Santa twice thus far and still have one more opportunity at the mall. On our first visit, we got about this close...

On our second visit, we first saw Santa be rescued by a fire truck from the top of Rochester City Hall,

followed by a horse and sleigh ride to the Galleria where we happily came about this close...

So, maybe the third try will be the charm?!?!
We finally got some snow and now have large piles all over the place! We've been out once and lasted about 30 minutes, which is likely less time than it took for us to get all bundled up, but we still had fun and enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows when we came in.

We also insist upon being in the kitchen now if anyone is making something and would prefer to help if allowed. We recently tried our hands at making sugar cookies...lets just say the end result tasted good to us and we are ready for round #2 anytime!

We enjoy all the Christmas decorations this year and are the first to turn on any Christmas lights when we come downstairs in the morning. We helped put on a few ornaments and watched Mama set out some other things, but we mostly just had fun doing what we do best...run around and be silly!

Hoping everyone is having a bright and merry holiday season thus far!
Love, ME