Hope it is okay that Papa and Mama are still in a bit of shock that our babies are 2 today...and are hardly babies anymore! We could likely write a novel on each of you and the special traits you display, but we will just limit it to a few.
Madelaine, you are definitely growing into the nickname Papa has given you, "Mad dog." You are our wild one. You move quickly for everything, you pick up on things quickly, and you let out crazy giggles and squeels. You are our chatter box. You are our night owl.

Eleanor, you are our sensitive one. You are more cautious in your movements and what things you explore. However, when you do complete something you tend to have already perfected it. You have a longer attention span when it comes to sitting activities, and enjoy coloring and putting puzzles together. You are our early morning bird.

You both love play and real babies. You both love music and shaking your bumper. You both love routine and are fairly good at helping pick up your toys (to Mama's delight). You both still find ways to migrate into Papa and Mama's bed at night. You both give the best hugs and kisses to us and often each other. You both continue to bring much happiness to our lives!!! We love you girls!
We spent a fun afternoon making our first trip to the Childrens Museum in St. Paul and are looking forward to a swimming party in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more pics.