Mama was giving Theodore a bath in our bathroom while we were supposed to be wathing TV in Papa and Mama's room. Mama heard the toilet seat go up in their bathroom so knew someone had to go potty, but all of the sudden she heard screaming and crying from both of us. She quickly wrapped Teddy up and met Madelaine in the hallway, running from the bedroom with Eleanor's nuk in hand screaming and crying "It fell in the potty, it is dirty" with Eleanor close behind screaming and crying "Clean it Mama"!!! Ugh, gross and no way, so it was decided they both would go away.

And in case you are wondering, only this last picture was taken since it happened with the other 2 being a couple weeks prior. However, Mama wanted to post happy pictures being we soon will look upon this experience and we will laugh!
Smiles, ME