These pictures were taken on my exact 18-mo birthday, 10/11, which is also the last day as the littlest man in the household being my brother is scheduled to arrive tomorrow! I'm guessing next month I will all of the sudden look like a little boy versus a baby to those around me...not so sure I'm ready for losing some of those perks!
This month I have exploded in the vocabulary department and have mastered my sisters names...and now don't stop saying them. You can frequently find me calling for them around the house, often requesting (a.k.a demanding) them to come with me somewhere, and if they don't respond to my request you will see me get right in their face and continue to call their name...escalating in volume...then screaming...I am relentless!
I have a few obsessions. One is a love of washing my hands in the bathroom on the main floor, much because I can step up onto the bench and now turn the water on by myself. I continue to love "treats" and will begin my request for one immediately after breakfast, going to the drawer to get a bowl and then pointing at the cupboard. I love putting all things on my head, to see if they can be a hat. This includes bowls, plates, books, but of most fun is putting Papa's hats on and demanding he put one on as well (I enjoy this with Grandpa Ken too). I have a favorite music video with favorite songs being Wheels on the Bus and Where is Thumbkin. My favorite books are a truck picture book and a farm book which has a collection of stories (my sisters like this one too).

I am quite the ham around our household, bringing many smiles and giggles to all my family members. I also still am a super-duper good hugger and kisser and will run into your arms and give you a big squeeze and place a wet smooch on your mouth.
Get ready to call me a big brother!!!
Love, Teddy