Summer arrived late but we still were able to pack in a lot of fun! Mama is going to miss the time when our calendar isn't so bare and we are no longer able to make mid-week trips to the cabin, stay late at the pool, or just hang outside in the backyard until bedtime. These truly are the days!!!
If asked our favorite thing about summer, you'd hear the 3 big ones respond...time at the cabin of course!!!
Likely coming in at a close second, though, would be the Kasson Aquatic Center which opened this summer and we loved it all! We spent every available day at home with nice weather here. Yes, Mama took all four of you by herself and you all rocked!!! We of course always welcomed the company of Papa, Grandma, and even Grandpa made a trip there as well!

Girls, your swimming skills took off this summer! You had great fun when Papa was available being you could jump in and swim back to the side over and over and over!
Harrison, you were content to hang in Mama's arms while splashing and watching the older 3 zoom around you. You loved going under all the fountains as well! Mama was extremely thankful for your laid-back style baby boy!
Theodore, oh our Theodore! We learned you have no fear of the water while at the pool. You'd either be jumping and go under or get into too deep of water, and you'd just stay gasping, no waving your arms...nothing! You had to be in an arms reach at all times! You expanded your jumping off of the side skills and also realized you love the warm showers. You'd take frequent little trips to "warm-up" and then come back to join us.
In addition to the cabin and pool, there was plenty of time spent at parks...
Hanging at home...
(our first lemonade stand)
(Theodore, you were obsessed about mowing the lawn with Papa)
Attending the Dodge County Fair...
And of course hitting a few parades...
It was a good summer, 2013, and we are missing you already!!!