Thursday, December 31, 2015

Cheers to a wonderful 2016!

 We feasted on our traditional fondue dinner, after having many snacks before, and still had room for dessert!
We then had an early toast, saying goodbye to a blessed 2015 and looking forward to what 2016 has to bring for the Gore family!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas 2015

 We spent another Christmas Eve heading down to Great-Grandma Ollie's house in Harmony.  It was near impossible before leaving to get a family photo, let alone a photo of just the four of you...hmmm, who is missing from the photo below who was being the gem of you all?!?!?
 Thanks Harrison for agreeing to sneak into the bottom corner of this picture, along with Cisco.  At least all four of you are documented for!
 Attempting to get a photo with Grandpa and Grandma when at Great-Grandma Ollie's. 
Despite the lack of photos, there was a lot of fun, a lot of energy, and our traditional participation in making "the tree" and playing games. 

Rise and Shine, it is Christmas Morning!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Getting into the Christmas spirit

On the hunt for the perfect Christmas tree!
H thinks he has found the one!
Closely watching the prep so we can take it home!

Up and ready to be set free!
Santa Claus visit 2015.

 H not quite ready to get up close and personal with Santa yet!

 M and E and the tree they decorated in their bedroom.

 T and H and the tree they decorated in their bedroom.

The Christmas trees are ready and the first snow to stay has arrived.  Looks like it is time to get ready for the long winter and get the deck furniture put away!