Bugs Bunny? Roger Rabbit? Peter Cottontail? So many rabbit choices for our little minds is pretty confusing. With Easter hopping on its way, we thought we’d make an early visit to meet the real Easter Bunny before the big day arrives so we don’t hop down the wrong trail for goodies on our first Easter egg hunt! (Bugs Bunny, as some of you may have SEEN, is known to leave just carrots-yuk!) As you can clearly see (wrong trail, great eyesight=no candy!) we met “The Bunny” while he (or she, but let’s not make this any more confusing than it already is!) was in town. And based on how nice he was, ME thought it was a good idea to get in the good graces of the Easter Bunny with clean diapers and no spit-up to ensure the delivery of some tasty Easter treats! ME would say Operation Easter Bunny was successful and we look forward to the Easter Bunny’s visit on its way…hop pity hop hop! Stay tuned with your rabbit ears and be ready for more pictures and news as the day approaches! All our cottontail love! ME
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