Yipee, we are 1 1/2!!! Where does time go??? We are having a blast this summer and love to be on the go, especially when it involves the outdoors (we are constantly requesting "outside"). We love, love the water whether it be the lake, our water table or baby pool on the deck, or the Kasson baby pool. We float on our backs, put our face in the water and blow bubbles, splash, kick, jump off the side...you name it, we will try it.

Parks are also of great fun this summer being we now can climb up things, go down small slides, and swing by ourselves.
We have the most fun playing with each other though there definitely are times when pushing and hitting occur along with verbalizations of "no," "mine," and eventual crying.

On our actual 1 1/2 birthday we spent the day doing what every girl loves to do, especially when it is rainy outside...shop! We started our adventure by turning our carseats forward facing and completely enjoyed the new view. The best purchase of the day was our new sunglasses, which we think look very stylish, don't you?

Sorry for the long post...we have been busy and had a lot to share!
Love always, ME
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