Hard to believe I am 1/2 way to the 1 year old marker already! My 6-month MD check up had me weighing 18 1/2 lbs and measuring 27 inches, both between the 75-80th%. This is obviously why I fit easily into 9-12 month clothing...no calling me a little pumpkin!

About 2 weeks after my 5-month birthday I started rolling all over the place. I also pivot all over the place, on both my stomach and back, and do a fairly good job of sticking my bumper up in the air while pulling the blanket when on the floor. My sitting skills are also advancing and I often prefer to be upright when my sisters are sitting by me.
I also love to eat! I continue to enjoy my cereal and also love apple sauce, pears, and peaches. I am not too big of a fan of bananas at the time unless they are blended in a smoothie concoction. My favorite vegetables are peas, squash, and potatoes. Avocados are also a hit. I am not a huge fan of sweet potatoes or green beans but will take a few bites if offered to me.

My hands will grab anything and everything. My poor sister's have learned this the hard way multiple times with their hair...but they will figure it out sooner or later. I continue to be such a wonderful and perfect addition to this family (so I hear) and am very much looking forward to all the holiday celebrations soon upon us!

Happy fall everyone!
Love, Theodore
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