Because we had so much fun having a swimming party for our #2 celebration, we decided to do it again but with a few a different hotel with an overnight and with our favorite cartoon character theme.
Welcome to our Dora party!

Cousin Leela started our party off with a much needed present...our first pair of goggles!

The 4 wild swimmers!

Though Theodore took a quick dip with Papa, he mostly just kept the older ones in order from the sidelines...

We enjoyed our individual Dora cakes while guests got cupcakes with either a Dora or Boots ring...

Though our guests left after all of the festivities, our party continued into the next morning and we were all smiles when waking up...

One of the best parts of staying overnight was that we got to go swimming with Papa again before we left the next day...
This allowed us to perfect our sliding skills of following each other in-a-row. This would be M...
Followed by E...

Followed by the big kid himself, Papa...

Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate, and for all of the wonderful presents (even though it was just Christmas). We are two very lucky little girls!

Love, ME