Hard to believe 3/4 of my first year of life has gone by already! My favorite game which I now like to play is throw and catch with a ball. I stay quite entertained if someone will sit with me. I like to toss the ball, clap my hands in excitement, and then trap the ball when it is rolled back to me.

I also like to throw things off of my highchair tray in hopes that someone will pick it up...the longest I've kept my sisters going with this fun activity is 5 minutes before they exclaimed "Theodore, that is enough"!

Still no teeth, though there is one on the bottom with the top slightly poking through. I continue to do quite a bit of drooling and love to chew on my fingers and other objects I can get my hands on.

I am learning a few signs and watch signing-times with my sisters on occasion as they try and teach me the ropes. I do a fair job of using "more" when eating and can very clearly sign "all done" when completed.

No creeping yet, but I can get up and down from sitting onto the floor and also enjoy some rocking on my hands and knees.

I am extremely vocal, and clearly pronounce "M" (for Mama of course,
hehe), "B", and "G" which is the most consistently used of all. The Grandparents are likely wishing it is for them but we all think it is for "GIRLS" being I very excitedly reach my hand out towards my sisters when saying it and also assist Papa or Mama in calling them. If this ends up being my first word it will make perfect sense being it is likely the most commonly word said in our home, in varying tones of course!
My 9-mo MD stats will come in a separate post with Madelaine and Eleanor's 3-yr MD stats being Mama was extremely efficient, adventurous, crazy, or whatever you'd like to call it in scheduling all 3 of our appointments in-a-row one lovely morning.

Of most importance is that I continue to be adorable and such a wonderful little man in this household!
Love, Theodore
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