Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy 11-months to Teddy!

Hi there!  Shortly after I decided to crawl on my hands and knees versus dragging myself on my stomach, I discovered I could easily pull to stand at just about everything and then came crawling up just keeps getting more exciting.  I am provided much more freedom than my sisters ever were in regards to areas of the house I can freely roam about and really don't even know gated play yards exist!
In addition to pulling to stand, I am cruising all over the place including between closely spaced stable objects.  I no longer just have access to the lower items in what is now "our" play kitchen, but I can stand at it and act like a real chef...

I am a great eater and since eating table food have pretty much just eaten what everyone else is eating.  I now have 2 lower teeth which helps with the process and prefer to finger feed myself while I hold a spoon in one hand.  With some hand over hand assist I am starting to become interested in scooping and bringing food to my mouth.  I have adopted some favorites of a few others in our house like french fries, toast, and pasta, but also like a variety of fruits and vegetables.  I am quite content to sit in my highchair as long as you continue to provide me with something to eat and when I am done or want something different I will let you know...which brings us to my preferred communication style, pointing and vocalizing. 
We are reinforcing more regular use of a few signs I have done sporadically to include more, all done, please, and bath but I have definitely found my voice and use it without hesitation when I need something.  Guess I know I am viewed as the little prince of the house!
Much love, Theodore

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