Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy 17-months to Teddy!

Crazy to think this is the last month I will be considered the true "baby" around this household.  Seems like just yesterday I was the new kid on the block and look at me now!  I have been enjoying the mild fall we have had thus far which means a lot of outdoor time still.  
I transitioned quite easily to Mama going back to work part-time for a bit before the arrival of my baby brother being it means extra time out at Grandpa and Grandma's house...and more specifically time with Grandpa outdoors.  I have a very specific routine of Grandpa taking me for a ride in his pick-up when I arrive at their house.  I also enjoy rides on the four-wheeler, watering trees, sitting on the tractor, and pretty much anything else I can do with him.  Another change for me is having my big sisters away at preschool two mornings a week...also an easy transition being it gives me some alone time with Mama and more time to engage in books by myself which I really enjoy.
My big sisters, though, are still my fav to look up to and do as they do...which includes insisting I have a caramel apple on a stick as well (they were trying to sneak this snack in while I was napping but I woke up early, haha)! I was closely supervised and enjoyed it tremendously. 

My vocabulary is also continuing to expand and there are no worries in this household that I won't reach the 18 month marker of approximate number of words.  In addition to saying foods I like such as banana, apple, pretzel, "treat" (used too much); animals such as cow, sheep, kitty; vehicles such as truck and tractor; I am also tackling my sisters names which are a wee bit tricky.  There also are many others Mama is forgetting to list at the moment...so no worries I am not at all a quiet boy.  
Look out 1 1/2 years old, here I come!
Love, Theodore

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