Sunday, April 29, 2012

Theodore's 1st Birthday Party!

We went with an All-Star theme for my first birthday bash and in my opinion I definitely lived up to the role...making it through lunch, cake, and presents before needing a nap.  Only when you are one is it polite to still be sleeping even as your guests are leaving.  The day didn't go off without a few kinks, however, which must be remembered.

My sister, Madelaine, awoke Sunday morning complaining of not feeling well.  Though not running a temperature or really acting that ill, while Papa was out mowing and Mama was up putting me down for my morning nap, Eleanor came running to the bottom of the stairs exclaiming Madelaine had just vomited all over the window/wall (story was we were trying to get Papa's attention at window).  My sisters were complete big helpers, and while Mama immediately came downstairs, they had already gotten out towels and covered the entire area and Eleanor was also in the process of covering Madelaine up on the couch.  Very sweet girls!  Mama was super excited to enter into this mess...yeah.  All guests were called and warned but everyone still came.  Madelaine took a nap and spent some extra time upstairs lounging, but was able to make it down for the main festivities.

Eleanor you were a great helper entertaining me while Papa and Mama got the house all in order...
 Papa and I, the All-Star Birthday Boy!
 My first taste of the frosting....
 Though it took a little while, I eventually warmed-up to the taste and the idea I could make a mess being the guests had cupcakes to enjoy...
 A family shot to remember the special day...
 Though not terribly interested in tearing open the paper, I had plenty of help between sisters and cousins and liked seeing the end result...the present!
 The next morning, I wanted the party to happen all over again being it was such fun...
Thanks to everyone who attended, for spoiling me with fun gifts, and for making my 1st birthday so special!
Love, Theodore

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